Raise Your Vibration Naturally

Mission & Vision – Raise Your Vibration and the Collective Consciousness

I am your guide to helping you raise your vibration naturally while seeking your inner self, reaching higher states of consciousness, and to become your life’s conscious creator.

My mission is to help others find and connect to their inner self. My goal is to guide and teach them how to heal, integrate, and balance their life as we dive deep into higher states of consciousness.

This will unlock the possibility to master conscious manifestation, align and integrate our highest self, and raise your vibration and everyone else too. My deepest desire is to raise the collective consciousness.

I am eager to share my knowledge, experiences, and research. This journey was life-changing and allowed me to remember how to use our natural gifts of Intuition, Claircognizance, Clairsentient, Clairvoyance, Conscious Manifestation, Lucid Dreaming, Astral Travel, and more from the Universe.

As humans, understanding these practices is our birthright. We are embracing oneness and becoming a global network of awakened beings creating a new experience for the world to see.

Our duty is to ensure that our children discover the knowledge and guidance to grow into joyful, intuitive, and balanced adults aligned with their highest self and true purpose. Let’s make this world a better place. There’s still much to do!helpoing

How It Works

I’ll help you integrate your inner & higher selves, so you can heal and learn the law of attraction to manifest your dreams. You’ll achieve higher states of consciousness whether you’re:

  • An individual trying to heal and overcome fears / manifest your dreams.
  • An entrepreneur trying to create a business that comes from a higher state of consciousness.
  • A parent trying to raise their children from conscious awareness.

Become your true self – embrace your inner and higher self to:

  • Raise happy and conscious children
  • Build a business that serves a bigger purpose
  • Overcome fears and unlock into your higher self
  • Heal energetic blocks within your emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies
  • Raise your vibration, frequency and that of the collective consciousness.

My priority is helping you understand who you are from a
metaphysical standpoint.

How Do I Do It?

Clarity and meaning starts here. All I do is ask for guidance and connect with my intuition to tap into your energy. I also provide tarot readings for further insights and clarifications, and then I’ll provide you with a full analysis and recommendation.

This process may be different for you. I go with whatever my intuition tells me and guides me to. For some people, this may include readings and lucid dreaming. Others may require the use of a pendulum, crystals, energy healing, while others may need astrology and dream interpretations. At times some entrepreneurs and business owners also integrate my 20 years of branding and marketing experience into their sessions.

I want to go beyond the limits of the reality of this dimension – I want to show you everything you’re capable of, and I want to teach you all I know and how to access this knowledge. I’m not your typical guide – you’ll hear what you need to hear, but I’ll teach you how to find that too.

After your path to get to know your true self, I’ll guide you towards your goals

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’ll teach you how to build a business in alignment with your life mission and a higher level of consciousness to ensure meaning and success.

If you’re a mom, I’ll teach you or your children about these practices from a higher state of consciousness, so they grow up as fully aware adults.

If you feel like there’s more to your life, and you have a higher purpose, I’ll guide you towards understanding who you are, unlocking your true potential, and find clarity.

About our Founder

Meet Eri Michelle Bonilla

Eri Michelle Bonilla is the mastermind behind ERI.EARTH.  She created ERI.EARTH because she knew she had to share her knowledge with the world. Her method helps individuals and business owners heal their belief systems, which empowers them to reach their higher states of consciousness, rise to higher frequencies, raise your vibration and in turn heal and begin to manifest consciously.

Eri grew up in one of the most dangerous and scariest neighborhoods in New York City, the Bronx. She had a very traumatizing childhood and yet she is very thankful  for her life experiences. They have taught her valuable lessons, such as finding peace within herself to make up for the lack of it outside.

Those traumatic experiences have taught her how to overcome challenges. As she grew up, Eri learned ancient teachings that transformed the perception of her childhood. Now, she is on a mission to empower and give every mom, child, teen, and every adult the tools to make life easier, meaningful, and more fulfilling.

During a meditation, while in a lucid dream/altered state of consciousness she understood which were the teachings that would help her clients the most, and the fastest.  The next morning, after she woke up from that amazing experience, everything started to change. Her perspective took a 180º turn, and her thoughts cleared.

Book time with her here…

She found the answers very deep within her, her inner self. Something she had never seen or heard of before, this led her to an exciting path of self-discovery, reflection, healing, love, and oneness.

This journey showed her the ways of esoteric, occult teachings, scientific studies, spirit science, sacred writings, and so much more. After reading and studying some of the most thrilling, intense, and inspiring books from humanity, she put the pieces together while experiencing altered states of consciousness. The teachings from thousands of years and numerous cultures finally made sense.

She found her true potential as a human being and her current life mission: to help individuals just like you do the same thing. Now, she helps business owners find their purpose and add real value to their clients. Young people navigate through life’s hardships. And moms raise their children to a higher purpose and provides them with the teachings to ensure their children develop their natural gifts.

How? Through meditations, intuitive guidance, lucid dreaming, readings, connecting to your higher self, and other methods, depending on the individuals’ needs. This process can consciously guide the unconscious, manifest your desires, reprogram the brain, unlock your higher self, alleviate pain, heal relationships, embrace your true self, raise your vibration and step into your best version. and 

We are here to help you take the next step. Our mission is to change the world, one person at a time, by helping them uncover their true potential.

I offer you the tools, guidance, and techniques depending on your personal needs and goals to overcome fears, obstacles, limiting beliefs, and manifest your desires. Each path looks different. There is no silver bullet, no “best fit.” There is only what works best for you, and I adapt to your journey and purpose, by combining ancient spiritual practices, such as:

Don’t be in the backseat of your life. Take control of it.

Your road to higher states of consciousness starts here.  Let’s raise your vibration and get you started.

Are you ready?

What’s Her Secret?

True Enlightenment is all found within. It’s inside you, not in books nor the external world. The great divine put all of it within our reach – It’s our Inner Self.

Your road to a higher state of consciousness starts now!
  • Sun sign: Capricorn
  • Ascendant Sign: Libra
  • Her life path: 7
  • Natal chart: Heavy in Air & Masculine energies.
  • Eri has a big family.
  • She enjoys reading, writing, and mother nature
  • She has worked for almost 20 years in the Branding and Marketing industry in New York City.
  • Her life mission is to help raise the collective consciousness by helping others heal and manifest consciusly.

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